Refund Policy

At,  we  are proud to have a refund policy that reflects our confidence in the quality of our products and our commitment to you.
Our mission is to give you world class service. Our refund policy is made with you first and foremost in mind.
We understand that you can change your mind and wish to exchange items or return them and it's totally OK with us.
Let's be clear about our refund policy.

If you don't like an item you bought from us, return it to us and we'll give you a full refund.
If you order the wrong size - return it for a replacement item or a full refund.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason at all, please contact us here.
You may request a refund or exchange within 30 days of the receipt of the product prior to it being worn or used. Customer pays for return deliveries.

If the item is faulty, you could request a full refund or a replacement to be in line with Australian Law.